Clinical Psychiatry
Psychiatric care is a time for complete assessment of the individual, including aspects of their social, professional, personal, family, religious and spiritual life.
Our care is based on the practice of Value-Based Medicine, in which all the patient's values are essential aspects of any decision that will be taken for their treatment, so that the patient can exercise their autonomy in a broad way, with the aim of develop and achieve all your potential. This is the only way to guarantee that each service will be personalized and aligned with the patient's expectations and demands.
The use of medications and other biological intervention methods can be considered, and today we have safe and effective methods for treating the most diverse psychiatric disorders. However, the most important thing is to understand the reasons why the patient needs help, which allows you to establish an individualized treatment plan.
+ 55 11 93022-2368
Rua Oscar Freire, 2617, cj 204/301/302 - São Paulo - CEP 05409-012